

Marketplace for second-life plastic materials

The purpose

Recycle2Trade aims to provide support to clients in the form of data.

The intelligence from data is translated into a business advantage for the client, allowing them to trade more effectively.

The project will also help in the move towards a ‘circular economy’

For information, a circular economy is an economic system of closed loops in which raw materials, components and products are kept in use as much as possible. As a result, more of the 2 billion tonnes of waste produced globally on average per year will be recovered and reused.

The Problem

Currently, only 8.6% of the world’s economy is circular.

 A complete circular economy could generate a net economic gain of $4.5 trillion by 2030. This poses a huge opportunity for businesses in the sustainability and waste management sectors in particular. The challenge, however, is in how this can be most efficiently achieved.

The Solution

Recycle2Trade uses a mix of open and proprietary real-time data.

The platform integrates business financial data and analytics, waste compliance data, transport rates and delivery time calculations, and indicative material prices.

Material Quality Check

The platform’s material quality assessment solution will connect buyers and providers. The assessment will deliver standardised information on the quality and specification of the materials.

Compliance Check

A compliance-assured trading system to confirm the credentials of trading parties. Please see the ‘Open Waste Compliance’ Project page for more information.

Transport Cost

Transportation can account for a significant amount of costs in the waste management industry. Live information on the geographical position of the mobile device can enable local access to material, optimising transport costs.

Material Map Browser

This feature allows for a simple, clean, fast and reliable user-experience for clients.

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